Formalization for printing in the conference proceedings


Materials are submitted in a text editor MS Word with the extension .doc (.docx) in Russian or English, and are published in the author's edition with minimal edits by the publisher.

In the name of file, specify the surname of the first author and the first two words of the article title, for example Voronov_Temperature dependence.docx.

The volume of materials - up to 4 pages (lecture - up to 8 pages).

Page size – 148 * 210 mm (A5). Margins: top and bottom – 2.6 cm, left and right – 1.8 cm. Distance from the edge to the header and footer - 1.8 cm. Line spacing – single, font – Times New Roman.

Formalization of the heading part:

  1. the title of the article in English, in capital letters, center alignment, font 10 pt;
  2. the initials and surnames of the authors in English, center alignment, font 10 pt;
  3. place of work (name of organization) in English, font 9 pt, italics;
  4. empty line;
  5. annotation in English (no more than 8 lines), font 9 pt, italic;
  6. keywords in English (no more than 2 lines), font 9 pt, italic.
  7. empty line;

Further, the text of the work follows aligned to the width of the page. Font 10 pt, paragraph indent - 0.5 cm; inter-paragraph spacing - 0 pt. The text should not have several spaces in a row between words, spaces and tabs at the beginning of a paragraph, as well as lists with automatic marking or numbering.

Figures should be made in a graphics editor with the extensions .jpg, .tif; clear, contrasting and placed in the text. The width of the figures is no more than 11 cm. The figure caption (font 8 pt) under the figure and a reference in the text to the figure are required. The figure and caption are centered.


Figure 1. Graphs of spectra


To insert tables use the tools of the "Table" menu in MS Word.

Fonts in the table and in its heading may be 8 pt (two points less than the fonts of the main text).

The width of the tables is no more than 11 cm. A reference to the table is required in the text.


T a b l e 1

Solvent parameters


























Drawing tables with the tools of the "Draw" panel, as well as inserting scanned tables are not allowed.

Formulas are placed on a separate line in the center. References to formulas in the text are numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses. The formula number is located at the right edge of the page. In the MS Word editor, simple one-line formulas are typed that do not contain integral signs, sums, derivatives, etc. Complex formulas are typed in MS Equation (built-in MS Word formula editor), Times New Roman font, 10 pt, small index – 5 pt, large index – 7 pt, small symbol – 10 pt, large symbol – 12 pt. You can use the formula editor MathType.

At the end of the article there is a list of references (font 8 pt). All sources must be referenced in the text of the article in square brackets.

The organizing committee reserves the right to reject the submitted material if it is not designed according to the requirements.

If necessary, clarifications or improvements will be sent to the authors a letter with their list.





M. Mondal, S.V. Shidlovskiy

National Research Tomsk State University


The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles is rapidly growing in many industries and the requirement for longer range in these vehicles is imminent. RC Radios, though a very effective way to control these vehicles, are fairly limited. The use of cellular networks to connect and control the vehicle can make the range virtually unlimited.

Keywords: UAV, cellular network, glider.


Text. Text. Text. Text [1]. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text…



1. Guowang Miao, Jens Zander, Ki Won Sung, Ben Slimane. Fundamentals of Mobile Data Networks. Cambridge University Press, 2016.

2. Mondal M. Shidlovskiy S.V. UAV Platform for Autonomous Navigation Algorithms Testing // Proceedings of the III International Forum «Intelligent Systems of the 4th Industrial Revolution» / Ed. by V.I. Syryamkin. Tomsk: STT, 2020. P. 144-146 (In Russian).

3. Pixhawk Documentation [Electronic Resource]. – URL (date: 19.04.2020).